Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tips for Treasure Hunts

I'm told I'm putting together a scavenger hunt.  But I think it will be a treasure hunt instead.  They are more fun cause it's not just a race but a race with TREASURE at the end.  Plus you don't end up with a bunch of odd scavenged things to surreptitiously throw out.  Be prepared --  it takes a bit of time to put together a treasure hunt (as opposed to throwing together a scavenger list).  The easiest way is to start backward -- at the treasure.  You've got to stick with the ability-level of the treasure hunters; you'll know you've got a problem if they don't understand your clues and just start blindly searching (then it's hint-time). On the other hand, it's not so much fun if the clues are too obvious.  I like to place the clues physically far apart (front yard then back yard then garage etc) -- then even if the clues are too easy, at least it takes them a while to get to the next.  Make sure the treasure is worth it and that it covers all the age ranges involved.  Cheap, shiny plastic bangles and plastic bugs plus wrapped candy all work great and are exciting to find.  Shiny! Bugs! Candy!  What could be better!

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